

A self-organizing feature map (SOM) is a kind of competitive neural network designed to make it easier to visualize the structure of high-dimensional data.

Linear regression is one of the simplest but most powerful-regression techniques. It is a parametric regression technique in which the response is modeled as some known formula given in terms of the predictor variables.

Some machine learning methods are considered weak learners, meaning that they are highly sensitive to the data used to train them.
For example, decision trees are weak learners; two slightly different sets of training data can produce two completely different trees and, consequently, different predictions.

在監督式學習中,使用了loss 函數或是confusion matrix 來觀察模型的正確性,但實際上要如何改善模型呢?

Machine learning problems often involve high-dimensional data with hundreds or thousands of predictors. For example:

多維度的資料的分類,也就是透過降維度找到適合探討的變數(多變量分析),有助於進行後續的機器學習/統計分析。本篇介紹PCA(主成分分析)與Multidimensional Scaling於Matlab的應用

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